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Service Announcement: Customizing items from mobile browsers

Issue customizing products from mobile browsers

Unfortunately,  Shapeways, the site we currently use to produce customized items,  has disabled uploading custom images and entering custom text in their mobile version of their site.  If you would like to customize one of our products that is hosted on Shapeways,  you will need to use a full desktop browser to access the Shapeways site.

We are working on a permanent solution that will bypass the limitations of the Shapeways site,  but that will take us a few weeks to implement.  If you are interested in the work we are doing, we posted an update with a summary.  If you have any difficulty ordering one of our products,  please get in touch, we would be very happy to apply your customization and order the item on your behalf.

Meanwhile, we apologise for the inconvenience and we are working to resolve this as soon as we can.


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