Picture Frame – FujiFilm Instax – 3d model file

£0.00 + VAT

Classic picture frame for FujiFilm Instax mini photographs.  Model file for you to download and 3d print yourself.

SKU: DDD6 Categories: , Tags: ,


3d model file for a plain, classic frame with a built-in lattice stand, sized for Fujifilm Instax pictures.

3d model file for you to download and print on your own 3d printer, or at a 3d printing facility local to you.  Check out the network of 3d Hubs near you.

Sized to fit Fujifilm Instax mini prints with an image size of 62mm x 46mm and an overall dimension, including the white border, of 86mm x 54mm.

Photos are fed into the frame via a slot in the bottom of the frame which is designed to accommodate the photograph plus an additional piece of packing card or folded paper to hold the photograph in-place.  This also means that the slot is wide enough to avoid clogging during the 3d printing process.

What you get

On checkout – you receive a link to a .ZIP file containing the model in .STL format.

Printing notes

Use minimal supports,  cleaning out support material from the slot at the base and the side grooves would be a real pain.  The natural angle of the frame should mean that the side grooves print without the need for support.

The only area where some support might be needed is the inside top edge of the frame,  but keep additional supports to a minimum.

The frame looks good as-is,  but would also make an ideal base model to further customize in your own 3d software.   Go ahead and add your own text or shapes to the front.


The model files are provided for your personal use and may not be shared with others, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, without prior permission from Celtic3d.

You must not make the file available for download or share it with anyone other than to facilitate the printing of physical items for delivery to you.

You must not allow the file to be hosted on any 3d printing marketplace for the purposes of allowing others to purchase copies of the files or of physical objects derived from the files.

You are permitted to upload or transmit the files to 3d printing services for the purpose of creating prints for your own use.

You are free to edit and make modifications to the files.

You are free to make as many physical prints from the files as you like.

There are no restrictions on use or selling the physical printed items produced from these files.

For any queries relating to this licence or to seek permission for use not covered, please contact sales@celtic3d.com





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